My Little Pony do princesses dream of magic sheep Luna
My Little Pony do princesses dream of magic sheep Luna

My Little Pony do princesses dream of magic sheep Luna

I thought Dash’s nightmare was hysterical:Įven Pinkie’s dreams are random (or ADD or surrealistic) What everypony’s nightmares says about them:įlutters wanting to be a pet – guess she’s a submissive – which would make sense… The whole topic smacks of collective unconsciousness (I claim Jung pony) – which is now canon, and surrealism Other thoughts: Matrix, Matrix, Matrix…or Inception, if you will

My Little Pony do princesses dream of magic sheep Luna

Second scene – hey, I guess Tank is back (so many metaphors in “Tanks for the Memories” as analogous to grief and dying, that I thought Tank died) Gummy riding Owlicious and, to be nitpicky, shouldn’t Owlicious not be tired as if having not slept last night, because owls are nocturnal?, I guess this owl is diurnal. Love Luna’s bedroom, the slippers, her moon bed… Opening scene – so Luna has to have a nightmare every night so that everypony else can sleep well…how horrible – and no wonder she’d feel down and such… which leads into, if not exactly masochism…more like flagellation, self-recrimination… This episode still did have a good moral, tying it together in the end. This post is not going to be so much of a coherent review or analysis, as more a train-of-thought meandering…ġ) the title, reference to Philip K Dick and…what could that imply? This added to the wealth of sci-fi stories that used aliens or robots (etc.) to explore what it really means to be human… why this particular reference here?Ģ) while applauding the fan service, just as with “Slice of Life” (see AnYPony’s reaction), I don’t want them to go too far, sacrifice story, ignore the traditional core audience etc., just for the sake of appeasing the fans. Season five, episode 13, “Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?” (spoilers)

My Little Pony do princesses dream of magic sheep Luna